Friday 26 April 2013

Top Tops For a Seamless Office Move

Spring is in the air and it’s that time of year again when many of us are contemplating a move during the more forgiving summer months, so here are some top tips to ensure your office move is as pain free as possible – let’s face it we could all do with some advice in times of change!
First things first, if you fail to plan, then prepare to fail - we love this saying here at Cube Office Relocation! Come up with a clear set of goals for your relocation. Have your goals agreed upon and finalised and don’t forget a contingency plan as it’s always best to have a plan B, just in case.
Ensure your figures are correct – set a budget and stick to it. Again, a contingency fund would be sensible for any overlooked and unexpected costs. This will enable you to take control of your spend. Cube Office Relocation can cater for a range of budgets and has a multitude of experience in managing public sector relocations so has a plethora of experience in accommodating the most stringent of budgets.
Prepare a time plan – this will help you imagine the process and tick off any goals as they are completed; great for morale and keeping an eye on your critical path.
Prepare staff and facilities – let staff know way in advance you intentions for relocation, the importance of having your workforce working with you, not against you is paramount. In terms of facilities work out what furniture and equipment will be going with you, what is redundant and what needs to be purchased for the new location, this will allow less lead time in the changeover.
For more top tips regarding your office relocation get in contact with one of our industry experts at Cube Office Relocation today for a free consultation.